Grading Information

From Grade To Grade Minimum Period
New Student

10th Kyu

2 weeks / 4 classes
10th Kyu
4th Kyu

3 months / 12 classes
between each grade

4th Kyu
1st Kyu

6 months @ 2 classes
per week for each grade

1st Kyu
1st Dan

1 year @ 2 classes
per week

1st Dan
2nd Dan+

Equivalent to grade
in years

  1. Where the minimum period is in weeks or classes, whichever period is the longer applies
  2. All grading eligibility is at the discretion of the lead instructor
  3. Dragon students, aged twelve and under, are required to take mon grades (half grades) in between each Kyu grade up to 4th Kyu
  4. Grades are awarded as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class up to 1st Kyu
  5. The highest grade that can be attained by a student under sixteen years of age is 2nd Dan
  6. Should a student fail a grading, they will be allowed to regrade after a waiting period to be determined by the examiner. There is no fee for a regrading
  7. Grading requirements for students transferring from other clubs will be decided by the lead instructor on a case-by-case basis